segunda-feira, julho 14, 2008

Posting in Somewhere

Today I realize something, I must starting do something to help more people then I have done. I want to say that more then just profissionally, I must to be more pro-active and try to do more to my friends, parents and anyone who need that right this are showed to me. I'm, until this moment, inside an emptyness, realm of lazyness and others things.

I tell I can do something, but I done move anything to make this possible, and this are moving to close me inside my own stupid world.

Maybe someday I can say more things without say to much "I"s.

C'ya Space Cowboys

sábado, julho 12, 2008

Back again

Hi everyone, finally I'm back to internet on my own computer. As I said a few months ago, my notebook had burn something, but now he's fixed again. Was a long time to me again, but more short then the other time (only 5 months more short). All works I was doing have paused and now I will gradually unpausing again. I don't know how are the GSoC 2008, I must be more informed. About 2 months ago some GSoC student had send me a message here, but nothing was received from him. Time to get back. :)


quarta-feira, julho 02, 2008

Promoção: Ajude a sustentar a Wikipédia e outros projetos, sem colocar a mão no bolso, e concorra a um Eee PC!

Ajude a sustentar a Wikipédia e outros projetos, sem colocar a mão no bolso, e concorra a um Eee PC!
…e também a pen drives, card drives, camisetas geeks, livros e mais! O BR-Linux e o Efetividade lançaram uma campanha para ajudar a Wikimedia Foundation e outros mantenedores de projetos que usamos no dia-a-dia on-line. Se você puder doar diretamente, ou contribuir de outra forma, são sempre melhores opções. Mas se não puder, veja as regras da promoção e participe - quanto mais divulgação, maior será a doação do BR-Linux e do Efetividade, e você ainda concorre a diversos brindes!